Unboxing a $50 Memorabilia Mystery Bag from the San Diego Padres Game!

Just opened up this mystery bag of memorabilia and I’m loving what I found inside! For only $50, I scored some awesome game-used items. Can’t wait to add them to…

Packing Smiles: How Shiny Bubble Mailers Make The Hobby More Enjoyable

https://www.tiktok.com/@rorz.cards/video/7333624179712904490?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7223539156469679658 Summary The joy of shipping out cards every day is significantly enhanced by the use of refractor bubble mailers. Although they come with a higher price tag, the hobby…

Back with a Bang: Rorz’s Return to Social Media and a New Chapter at Rorz Cards

https://www.tiktok.com/@rorz.cards/video/7331098075886423342 Summary After a six-month hiatus, Rorz from Rorz Cards is back on the social media scene with a slew of life updates and exciting plans. The interlude was marked…